Volume 20 Number 6 - Jun 7, 2022

My mission is simple. I am devoted to enabling people working in manufacturing to recognize and achieve their potential; through that each of you contributes to an improved quality of life for all you touch. Mission matters. That of your business, and yours personally.

Thank you for subscribing.

Taking My Own Medicine

“Do what I say, not what I do” is not helpful to anyone. Not to your employees, your children, nor is it helpful to my clients.

As we keep adding things to our plate, and as fast as the world is changing it’s near impossible not to, we must take things off our plate as well.

Many leaders are not good at delegation, and some confuse delegation with abdication.

The decision to stop doing something should begin with, “does it even need to be done?” If yes, then determine who else can do it and what help they need to perform that new task successfully.

I recently received some great advice from the famous psychiatrist, Bob Newhart. I’m going to take it, and I encourage you to consider it also. Invest a few minutes in this video:


While it may not feel helpful, this advice is very wise. If the action isn’t required, we can simply stop it.

In my case, I’ve made the decision to stop something, but not without ensuring that those of you reading this don’t lose anything in the process.

After 20 years of writing this Finish Strong® monthly newsletter, and five years of additionally writing its mid-month counterpart, I’ve decided to stop it.

Access to my thinking is available through LinkedIn. If we’re not already connected, feel free to reach out, or simply follow me there. https://www.linkedin.com/in/beckymorganfulcrum/

I will continue my regular podcast, which you can subscribe to on most podcast apps. You can also get it here: https://finishstrong.captivate.fm/listen

While new videos are infrequent, you can subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/FulcrumConsultingWorksIncCleveland

My book is available for purchase, and its Quick Reference Guide is available for free.


And, of course, you can email me at [email protected]

My technical team is in the process of removing references to signing up for the newsletter from my website, www.fulcrumcwi.com  If you see something there in the interim that you want, but that indicates you must sign up for the newsletter, let me know and I’ll get it to you directly.

Now take a serious look at your own plate, and identify something that doesn’t need to be done, and stop it!

The Starting Pistol

Albert Einstein:
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."

The Tape

Rebecca Morgan:
"That is one thing I will never stop."

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